Course curriculum

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    Friday, April 19: Opening, Panels, Keynote

    • Opening of the Day: Prayer + Opening Plenary + Sponsor shout out

    • Panel 1 | On Home & Belonging: Repatriation, Ambiguity, and Healing

    • Keynote Address: I got a Home in Dat Rock

    • Panel 2 | On Places & Spaces: Freedom, Recovery, and Reclamation

    • Panel 3 | On Possession & Performance: Re-Tracing Circles, Histories, and Imaginaries

    • Roundtable | Lakay Se Lakay, Our Black Nation: Exploring the Legacy of Haiti

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    Saturday, April 20: Panel 4 and Closing Roundtable

    • Panel 4 | On Locations and Resistance: Notions, Narrations, and Negotiations of Belonging

    • Closing Roundtable | The Power of Place: Stories from Home(s) and Abroad

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    Conference Resources